The color characteristic of background image is described by HSI color model, and the camouflage colors are selected from dominant colors of background, which are extracted by using specially quantized color histogram and applying threshold value. 利用HSI颜色模型描述背景颜色特性,通过特殊量化方式对背景的颜色直方图进行量化,接着借助阈值方法选取背景主色作为迷彩颜色。
Because of the distinct difference in the background color, we use a binary algorithm based on gray mean value and a two step segmentation method to segment the image. 针对靶图像背景颜色对比度大的特点,采用一种基于灰度期望值的图像二值化算法,通过逐步分离的方法,将靶环从背景中分割出来;